Service to speed up indexing of links and sites in Google

How does the SpeedyIndex service work?

You upload your links in a .txt file to the bot. Your task is queued for execution. Then a mobile Google bot is sent to all links. It should be understood that this does not give a 100% guarantee that Googlebot will go to your pages from the task, so there is a regular check on the index of your links and resend the bot for those links that did not get into the index.

The indexing process involves 4 steps.

  1. Preparing a task. Send a .txt file or message with a list of links you want to index. 1 line - 1 link. Limit: no more than 25,000 links in one file and no more than 20 links in one post.
  2. Indexing. The initial submission of a task to the index. The Google bot follows the links specified in the task.
  3. Notification that a task has been completed. You will receive a notification when the task is completed. It is from this moment that you should count the beginning of the indexing time.
  4. Indexation report. A report is generated after 72 hours. It shows the initial indexing results and the number of pages with 404 errors. This isn't the final result; the number of indexed pages will gradually increase.

The task has been completed. When to wait for Google bot?

Sometimes the bot comes at once, but more often within 30-40 minutes after creating a task.

I've updated my site and I need to get google bot to index it.

Yes. The first iteration we send the bot to all your links without exception. You can check this by checking your web server logs.

What do you do with those links that are not indexed?

On the 6th day we send all unindexed links for reindexing.

How to create a task for indexing?

Prepare a file with the addresses of the pages you want to submit for indexing, the file should be in .txt format Go to the Index Links tab and add the task. After that you will receive a notification that the task has been added to the queue - xxxx links have been added to the queue for indexing. You can monitor the status in the Tasks tab

How will I know if an task has been completed?

You will receive a notification when the task is completed. If there is a queue of tasks, an indexing task may take longer than usual to complete.

How will I know that my links have been indexed by Google?

The user receives a report. The report is generated 72 hours after the task is completed. The report shows the number of links in the index, the number of links that are not indexed and the number of links with 404 errors. This indicator reduces the % of indexing, and since many users do not follow this indicator, we inform them about it.

After 72 hours I received a notification that 20-30% of links were indexed. Why is it so low?

This is the first report, % indexing is expected to be higher. Some pages are not immediately indexed and need a little more time.

Why do the reports show the number of pages with 404 errors?

Reports indicate the number of pages that return 404 errors. One of the reasons for a low % of indexed pages can be a 404 error. If your pages are returning a 404 error it affects your indexing success rate.

How can I top up my balance in the service?

You can top up balance of the service in automatic mode by cryptocurrency (BTC, USDT, ETH). In manual mode we accept payment by QIWI, Paypal.

What discounts and promotions are there?

Constant bonus 100 links to each new user. Leave a review on the forum and get 1000 links on the balance. Details in the Top up balance tab. Discount when buying a package of links. It is more profitable to buy a package of 500000 and 1000000 links.

Does your service have a referral program?

Yes, there is. Tab Referral program.

Where can I find the API documentation of the service?

You can read the API documentation on our website, API section, or in the Telegram bot @speedyindexbot in the API tab.

What are the guarantees that my site will be indexed?

We guarantee that all the links specified in the task will be visited by Google bot. Then Google will decide whether the page will be indexed or not. Thus, we guarantee that all your pages will be visited by Google bot. Indexation depends on many related factors, so we cannot guarantee 100% result.

Why after indexing some pages fell out of the index?

If the pages of the resource after successful indexing are no longer displayed in the search, it is necessary to check the resource for possible problems: low quality content, too many incoming links, as well as the low quality of these links, overspam keyword queries in the content of the resource, problems of the technical part of the site, duplicate pages, the domain is under the filter PS. In case the site pages have fallen out of the index, after successful indexing, the funds spent on indexing by the client will not be returned.

Can I get compensation if the % of indexation is low?

If after successful indexing, which is confirmed by the reports of the service, your resource fell out of the index, or your links are "quality", but the percentage of indexed links was less than 60%, we can privately, no later than 10 days after the completion of the task, to consider the issue of compensation. Compensation is made by charging the balance of spent links.

When are unindexed links sent back to balance?

We are committed to providing you with a quality service and are confident in its effectiveness. However, it is our policy that we do not issue refunds or refunds of credit spent. We understand that this may raise questions and we want you to be fully aware of our terms and conditions. For new users, we have a great opportunity to test whether our service meets your expectations. Each new user receives 100 links on their balance to test our service. This allows you to see for yourself how effective it is without any financial risks.